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Pre-made PermissionsEX File

Here is a pre-made permissions file for PermissionsEX. It has several groups configured for you already, with increasing amount of permissions and capabilities.

There are other groups configured for easy donation ranks, or whatever you like:
  1. Guest
    This group is the default group for anyone joining the server for the first time. They can use common commands such as /tpa, /tpahere, /warp, /worth, etc. (See the permissions.yml file for a complete list.)
  2. Member
    This group has a few more permissions, such as the ability to use a compass, workbench and multiple sethomes. (See the permissions.yml file for a complete list.)
  3. Citizen
    This group keeps their experience on death and has access to a couple more kits. (See the permissions.yml file for a complete list.)
  4. Moderator
    The moderator group has quite a few typical permissions for your trusted Moderators. They have enough power to mute, kick and jail people, but not enough to be able to abuse your players or server.
  5. Elite
    This group has the ability to fly as well as repair all items and other abilities. (See the permissions.yml file for a complete list.)
  6. Admin
    The admin group has almost as many permissions and abilities as the co-owner and owner groups. Give this rank only to your most trusted staff.
  7. Co-Owner
    The coowner group has almost all the permissions of the owner.
  8. Owner
    The owner group should have all the permissions needed to run and administer your server without having operator (op). This group shold be reserved for you and you alone.

Just copy and paste over your existing file. You must install PermissionsEX first, then restart the server. The permissions.yml file will appear in Multicraft under Files, Config Files.

# There must be one default
    default: true
    prefix: '&f[&7Guest&f]&7'
    - bukkit.command.list
    - essentials.balance
    - essentials.delhome
    - essentials.exp
    - essentials.help
    - essentials.helpop
    - essentials.home
    - essentials.ignore
    - essentials.info
# essentials.kit gives them access to the /kit command
    - essentials.kit
# essentials.kits.guest gives them access to /kit guest (sign or typed command)
    - essentials.kits.guest
    - essentials.list
    - essentials.mail
    - essentials.mail.send
    - essentials.me
    - essentials.msg
    - essentials.pay
    - essentials.protect.pvp
    - essentials.realname
    - essentials.recipe
    - essentials.sell
    - essentials.sethome
    - essentials.signs.use.buy
    - essentials.signs.use.info
    - essentials.signs.use.warp
    - -essentials.socialspy
    - essentials.spawn
    - essentials.tpa
    - essentials.tpaccept
    - essentials.tpahere
    - essentials.tpdeny
    - essentials.warp
    - essentials.warp.list
    - essentials.worth
    - modifyworld.*
    - nocheatplus.checks.blockplace.boatsanywhere
# Weight controls which prefix is used if the user is in multiple groups
#   The higher the weight, the LOWER it sinks. The prefix in the group with
#   the lowest weight RISES to the top and becomes the prefix displayed in chat!
      weight: '900'
# Rank controls promotions and demotions. It works similar to weight in that the
#   higher the number, the LEAST priveleges the group has.
      rank: '900'
# Instead of repeating all the permissions in each group, use inheritiance to
#   automatically include the permissions from other groups.
    - guest
    prefix: '&f[&eMember&F]&7'
    - essentials.afk
    - essentials.back
    - essentials.chat.color
    - essentials.compass
    - essentials.ext
    - essentials.hat
    - essentials.jump
    - essentials.kit
    - essentials.kits.member
    - essentials.msg.color
    - essentials.sethome.multiple.member
    - essentials.time
    - essentials.workbench
      weight: '700'
      rank: '700'
    prefix: '&f[&6Citizen&f]&7'
    - member
    - essentials.keepxp
    - essentials.kits.member
    - essentials.kits.citizen
    - essentials.sethome.multiple.citizen
      weight: '600'
      rank: '600'
    prefix: '&7[&bMod&7]&f'
    - member
    - bukkit.command.banlist
    - bukkit.command.ban.list
    - essentials.ban.notify
    - essentials.chat.ignoreexempt
    - essentials.exp.others
    - essentials.fly
    - essentials.fly.safelogin
    - essentials.gc
    - essentials.helpop.receive
    - essentials.invsee
# Moderators should not have the ability to modify the inventory of others.
#   Trust me on this, as they WILL abuse the power.
    - -essentials.invsee.preventmodify
    - essentials.jail
# Moderators should not be exempt from being jailed
    - -essentials.jail.exempt
    - essentials.jails
    - essentials.jump
    - essentials.kick
    - essentials.kick.notify
# Moderators should not be able to /kill others
    - -essentials.kill
    - essentials.mute
    - essentials.mute.notify
    - essentials.repair
    - essentials.repair.all
    - essentials.repair.armor
    - essentials.repair.enchanted
    - essentials.socialspy
    - essentials.tempban
    - -essentials.tempban.offline
    - essentials.togglejail
    - essentials.tpahere
# The /whois command will show someone's IP address. Moderators don't need to know
#   that information, as it could be used to DDOS someone
    - -essentials.whois
    - -vanish.*
      weight: '500'
      rank: '500'
    prefix: '&7[&4Elite&7]&7'
    - citizen
    - essentials.fly
    - essentials.fly.safelogin
    - essentials.kits.elite
    - essentials.nick
    - essentials.repair
    - essentials.repair.all
    - essentials.repair.armor
    - essentials.repair.enchanted
    - essentials.sethome.multiple.unlimited
# The /spawnmob command is limited in the Essentials config to 1 mob at a time,
#   and ChatControl will prevent the player from repeating the same command twice
    - essentials.spawnmob.*
      weight: '300'
      rank: '300'
    prefix: '&2[&4Admin&2]&7'
    - elite
    - moderator
# These are NEGATED permissions (the extra - in front)
#   That means they CANNOT use these commands. You really
#   DO NOT want admins to use op, deop, give, take, etc. as someone
#   will eventually op another player you do not want opped, and they WILL grief.
    - -bukkit.command.deop
    - -bukkit.command.give
    - -bukkit.command.op
    - -bukkit.command.plugins
    - -bukkit.command.take
    - bukkit.command.toggledownfall
    - essentials.balance.others
    - essentials.balancetop
    - essentials.ban
    - -essentials.ban.offline
    - essentials.broadcast
    - essentials.burn
    - essentials.clearinventory
    - essentials.delhome.others
    - -essentials.deop
# Enchant is also a BAD idea, as they will just enchant "god" gear and give it away.
    - -essentials.enchant
    - essentials.exp.give
    - essentials.exp.give.others
    - essentials.exp.set
    - essentials.exp.set.others
    - essentials.ext
    - essentials.feed
# You don't want admins changing the game mode of others either, they WILL grief
    - -essentials.gamemode
    - -essentials.gamemode.creative
    - -essentials.gamemode.others
    - -essentials.give
    - essentials.heal
    - -essentials.home.others
    - essentials.invsee.modify
    - essentials.invsee.preventmodify
    - -essentials.item
    - essentials.jail.exempt
    - essentials.joinfullserver
    - essentials.kill
    - essentials.list.hidden
    - essentials.mute.exempt
    - essentials.mute.notify
    - essentials.nick
    - essentials.nick.color
    - essentials.nick.others
    - -essentials.op
    - essentials.seen
    - essentials.seen.banreason
    - -essentials.sethome.others
    - -essentials.setworth
    - essentials.socialspy
    - essentials.unban
    - essentials.vanish
    - essentials.vanish.see
    - essentials.warp.otherplayers
    - essentials.weather
    - -permissions.*
      weight: '200'
      rank: '200'
# Co-owner has most of the admin and higher commands, only a few are saved for Owner only
    prefix: '&l&f[&cCo-Owner&l&f]'
    - admin
    - automessage.*
    - bukkit.command.effect
    - essentials.ban.exempt
    - essentials.ban.offline
    - essentials.broadcast
    - essentials.clearinventory.others
    - essentials.delwarp
    - essentials.eco
    - essentials.enderchest
    - essentials.enderchest.others
    - essentials.feed.others
    - essentials.gamemode
    - essentials.gamemode.creative
    - essentials.god
    - essentials.heal.others
    - essentials.home.others
    - essentials.item
    - essentials.kick.exempt
    - essentials.killall
    - essentials.kit.exemptdelay
    - essentials.kit.others
    - essentials.kits.*
    - essentials.lightning
    - essentials.nick.*
    - essentials.powertool
    - essentials.sethome.others
    - essentials.setwarp
    - essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass
    - essentials.tp
    - essentials.tpo
    - essentials.tpohere
    - essentials.tp.others
    - essentials.vanish
    - essentials.vanish.see
    - essentials.warp.overwrite.*
    - essentials.whois
    - worldedit.butcher
      weight: '100'
      rank: '100'
    - coowner
    - autodeop.reload
    - bukkit.command.plugins
    - bukkit.command.reload
    - bukkit.command.restart
    - bukkit.command.restart
    - bukkit.commands.timings
    - bukkit.command.timings
    - bukkit.command.tps
    - bukkit.command.version
    - cm.set
# Make sure owner doesn't have separate creative mode/survival mode inventories
    - creativeControl.blacklist.*
    - creativeControl.data.status
    - creativeControl.preventions.*
    - essentials.command.plugins
    - essentials.enchant
    - essentials.enchantments.*
    - essentials.enderchest.modify
    - essentials.essentials
    - essentials.fireball
    - essentials.fly.others
    - essentials.gamemode.others
    - essentials.heal.cooldown.bypass
    - essentials.plugins
    - essentials.signs.*
    - essentials.spawnmob.*
    - essentials.spawnmob.stack
    - essentials.speed
    - essentials.speed.bypass
    - essentials.speed.others
    - essentials.time.set
    - essentials.vanish.*
    - permissions.*
    - vanish.*
    - worldedit.*
    - worldguard.*
    prefix: '&l&6[&4Owner&6]'
    suffix: '&c'
      weight: '1'
      rank: '1'
    - owner

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