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CoreProtect, LogBlock, Prism and other logging plugins

There are several block logging plugins available that will give you the ability to roll back changes on your server. Due to the Virtual Gladiators off-site backups, these plugins aren't usually required.

If you do wish to use a block logging plugin, Virtual Gladiators recommends CoreProtect.

NOTE: Regardless of which block logging plugin you decide on using, NEVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES USE YOUR MYSQL DATABASE for logging. The MySQL server is shared and does not have the same, rocket-fast SSD drives as your Minecraft server. The default sqlite configuration is extremely fast due to the SSD drives.

Once you have CoreProtect installed and active, you'll want to create a scheduled task in Multicraft to purge the database. If you don't do this, the database will continue to grow until performance and speed are compromised.

Login to Multicraft, click on Advanced and then Commands:

CO Command SS1

Now you'll want to create the new command that will actually purge the data.

  1. Give it a descriptive name so you remember what it does.
  2. Change the required role to "Administrator."
  3. Enter the run command of "co purge t:Xd" (no quotes) where X is the number of days you wish to keep. (All data older than X days will be purged from the CoreProtect database.)
  4. Click on Create.
In this example, we only want to keep the last 7 days' data:
CO Command SS2

Now go back to the main Multicraft screen for your server and click on Advanced and then Scheduled Tasks:
CO Command SS3

Create a new recurring task:
  1. Give it a descriptive name so you remember what it does.
  2. Change the Scheduled Time to something at least 10 minutes in the future, but make sure it's not too close to a server restart.
    1. This is important to prevent corrupting the CoreProtect database. The server cannot be restarted until the purge has completed!
    2. You may wish to configure another Admin Say task just before this one that says "Core Protect Purge running - DO NOT RESTART THE SERVER for at least 15 minutes."
  3. Click on Interval and set the interval to 1 Days.
  4. Click on the Command drop-down and select the command you created earlier.
  5. Change the Run For to Server.
  6. Click on Create.

Here is an example using the above command example of 7 days:
CO Command SS4

That's it! Now a CoreProtect purge will be run once a day.

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