Portal Home > Knowledgebase > Managing Your Minecraft Server

Getting Started (14)
What to do first?
Plugins (6)
Articles related to plugins
Server Maintenance (1)
How-to's for server maintenance features
Adding a Resource/Texture Pack to your Minecraft Java/PC Server
How to add a Resource/Texture pack to your Minecraft Java/PC Server     If you have a...
Allocated vs Max vs Used memory
We often get people asking us why they only see a portion of their purchased memory allocated or...
Creating a Creative world
To create a Creative world you will need to install the PlotMe and Multiverse-Core plugins.The...
Dedicated Server IP or Domain Name for your server
There seems to be a lot of confusion between using a "Dedicated IP" and a "Sub-domain/domain" to...
FileZilla Guide
Download FileZillaWe recommend using a program called FileZilla to download and upload files to...
Getting more players on your server
A great way to get more players is by posting your server on a server list website. We’ve...
Per-world Inventory
If you have all of your worlds setup with different types of gameplay but don't want to share the...
Preventing Cheaters
To prevent cheaters simply download the plugin NoCheatPlus. You may need to do a little bit of...
Preventing Griefers
While it is nearly impossible to completely stop griefers you can rollback everything they do and...
Protecting Land
First off, You'll need two plugins Worldedit and WorldGuardTo protect a region 1) Take out...
Reinstalling Your Minecraft Client
Please refer to the Minecraft Wiki on how to reinstall Minecraft for Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX:...
Reset Multicraft password
To reset your Multicraft passwordLog ito the client area on our website 
Simple FTP Guide
The easiest way to upload/download a world/plugins etc. is to use an FTP client. Virtual...
Troubleshooting and Preventing Server Lag
There are three types of lag: 1. Server lag This happens if the server is under extreme load, or...

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